Datacolor MATCH TEXTILE v.2.1 ROI Calculator

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Datacolor MATCH TEXTILE v.2.1 ROI Calculator

Getting the color right quickly says a lot about your ability to manufacture high quality goods, but also leads to significant cost savings. Have you considered how taking advantage of superior color matching solutions will impact your manufacturing costs?

The proven algorithms and easy-to-use functionality of Datacolor MATCH TEXTILE v.2.1 enable potential reductions in the consumption of dyestuffs and in the total time needed to deliver high quality lab dips.

The overall time and cost savings can quickly pay off the investment in an upgrade of your existing color formulation software.

Change the numbers below to calculate your ROI:

1. Annual Dyestuff Colorant Savings

A Datacolor MATCH TEXTILE v. 2.1 system can consistently produce the lowest-cost color formula. And advanced formulation me thods can often use standard dyes instead of expensive custom dyes to match colors. This reduces both inventory and raw material costs.

Typical savings potentials:
I am not using Datacolor MATCH TEXTILE: 15%
I am using Datacolor MATCH TEXTILE already, but only for first shot results, not for corrections or production recipes: 10%
I am using Datacolor MATCH TEXTILE for first shots and corrections, bu t don’t use specific optimization features: 5%
1,500 USD

2. Annual New Color Formulation Time Savings

The number of hours spent each year matching colors:

The fully-loaded hourly rate of a color matching employee:
45,000 USD
Datacolor MATCH TEXTILE v. 2.1 system speed and accuracy can reduce color matching time. With Smart Match®, you get better matches with fewer corrections. This speeds up batch corrections and color matching in general, which enables a reduction in new color formulation time by up to 20%.
Reduced formulation time results in reduced labor cost by up to:
Typical savings potentials:
All of my corrections are currently based on visual evaluation (not using Datacolor MATCH TEXTILE): 20%
I only use theoretical recipe prediction and correction (not using Smart Match): 15%
I work with Smart Match but have not recently updated my data populations: 5%
Potential Annual New Color Formulation Time Savings: 6,750 USD

3. Annual Formulations Savings

Using Datacolor MATCH TEXTILE v. 2.1, a lab technician can quickly search the recipe library to find an acceptable match for a new color, eliminating the need to start from a new dye recipe. In addition, customer-specific parameters for the formulation can be defined and stored, and then applied with a single click of a button.
This can eliminate the development of unnecessary new color formulations by:
Typical savings potentials:
My customers all have different formulation requirements. Because it is difficult to manage the various requirements, my operators always run default matches even though it might mean reformulating later: 10%
I have stored many approved recipes in my database, but rarely use the archive because I am unsure of the recipe status and do no t know which one to use: 5%
2,400 USD

4. Costs

Savings Summary

1,500 USD
6,750 USD
2,400 USD
10,650 USD


9.6 Months

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