Customer Support

Supported Software Versions

Below you will find the information about each supported Datacolor software version, including its release date, the end of its support period, and the deadline for license key requests.

What Does “Supported” Mean?

A “Supported” software version is one that is actively maintained by Datacolor from its release until the specified “End of Support” date. During this period, supported versions receive bug fixes and critical updates to ensure optimal performance and security.

Customers with a valid Software Maintenance Support contract (learn more here) will have free access to the latest releases. Customers without a valid contract can access via a paid upgrade path.

License Key Requests

This is the final date by which you can request a replacement key for your software. After this date, new license keys will no longer be issued for that version.

License keys will be provided free of charge to customers with a valid Software Maintenance Support contract. For customers without a valid Software Maintenance Support contract, license keys will incur a fee.

For information on software versions that are no longer supported, please visit our Discontinued Products page.

Tools Match Pigment Match Textile

Version Release Date End of Support Date End of License Key Replacement
Tools 24.1.0 July 30, 2024 July 30, 2025 July 30, 2029
Tools 2.x July 30, 2024 July 30, 2026
Match Pigment
Version Release Date End of Support Date End of License Key Replacement
Match Pigment 24.1.0 July 30, 2024 July 30, 2025 July 30, 2029
Match Pigment 4.x July 30, 2024 July 30, 2026
Match Textile
Version Release Date End of Support Date End of License Key Replacement
Match Textile 24.1.0 July 30, 2024 July 30, 2025 July 30, 2029
Match Textile 2.x July 30, 2024 July 30, 2026
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