Essentials of Color Management (1 Day, 2024 Available Dates: January 15; April 15; July 15; October 7)
Course Outline:
Computer Color Matching
- The history of computer color matching
- An overview of the optical models used to build colorant sets
Datacolor Match Pigment: Ingredients and Colorants
- Product launch, Data Navigator, and user interface
- Data interface between Match Pigment and Tools
- Explanation of ingredients and colorant sets
- Enter ingredients in Ingredient Maintenance program for use in colorant set
- Creating a colorant set
- Store, calibrate, evaluate and save colorants
- Overview of colorant set maintenance
Datacolor Match Pigment: Matching and Correcting
- Explain the concept and design of Formula Central matching program
- Working with job templates (Use, Create, Modify)
- Match Jobs: Formula Grid, Ingredient Selection, and Multi-Formula Spreadsheet Displays
- Working with Job Pages & Matching Tools
- Job preferences, Formula Central setups, and defaults
- Batch Correction
– Automatic adds and reformulations
– User manual adds and colorant optimization
– Discuss performance factors
- Formula storage
- Detailed overview of Smart Match
- Recycles, Ingredient Properties (Keywords)
- Global Settings: User and System Admin
- Import/Export
Datacolor TOOLS (1/2 Day)
- Explanation of Data Navigator and handling of data
- Discuss the concept, design, and purpose of Tools desktop. Explain the use of button ribbons and menus
- Use of forms/templates and TOOLS Desktop Explorer
- Instrument calibration and options
- Measurement of standards and batches to the desktop using the instrument
- Review alternate data input methods
- Storing and retrieval of standards to data folders and the creation of folders
- Storing and retrieval of batches
- Evaluation of output data
– How to select and the effect of the Illuminant/Observer
– Discussion of flare and metamerism
– Explanation of available color spaces (CMC, CIE, FMC-II)
- Analysis of all available plots
- Establishing and setting pass/fail tolerances
- Import/export using the QTX function
- System setups and defaults
- Setting of standard and batch defaults
- User admin & customization
2024 Available Dates: January 16-18; April 16-18; July 16-18; October 08-10